
2021 - The Now!What if...

We Moved

In 2017, we were enjoying our Cabo condo in the sun. A good friend and realtor for many years called to say the Vancouver market had reached another peak and it was time to sell. Our 1800 square foot condo overlooking Vancouver was sold in 10 days for a silly price. We had a closing in June but now what? We returned to Vancouver in April with the intention of downsizing on Vancouver Island. We had an established realtor in Nanoose Bay 20 minutes north of Nanaimo. He showed us three homes in Fairwinds Resort, the third was on the first hole of the Fairwinds Golf Course. We bought it on the spot for half the silly price of our Vancouver home. It was difficult to downsize with 4600 square feet to fill.

We became Islanders overnight. As you can see from the photos, my new studio opens into the backyard, facing the ninth hole of the golf course.

The downside was leaving family and friends of many years. My son, Kelly, lives in Vancouver and was close by. My daughter Kristi, grandkids Josiah, Issac and Isabell, along with Josiah’s wife Andrea, their son, (my great grandson) Jack, all live in Boise and Nampa Idaho. My wife Bonnie’s family live in the Toronto area.

Last year I had a one man show at TOSH (The Old School House) in Qualicum, a retirement community 20 minutes up-island. I sold one piece for $4500 that now resides in Calgary.

In June, 2022, I had another one man exhibit in Parksville at the McMillan Art Center, a non-profit organization. In conjunction with the MAC management and volunteers, I donated 100% of all sales from the show to the centre to bolster revenues lost during the Covid pandemic.


A final thought:

 Da Vinci scaled heights reserved for only the rarest of the rare. But he began as most do who realize in childhood that their view of the world is through the eyes of an artist. He simply asked

What if?